Jason Harlton Jason Harlton

Try My Google PMAX Asset Group Optimizer

Use my Google Pmax Asset Group Optimizer to organize the creative and copy for your next performance max campaign.

You can download the optimizer here

Use my Google Pmax Asset Group Optimizer to organize the creative and copy for your next performance max campaign.


- Keep track of the minimum requirements for setting up a new asset group

- Use the character counter to craft enticing headlines without going over Google's character limit

- Ensure you have the proper amount of creatives and the proper format for every new campaign

Use the YouTube Asset List to keep track of your video assets

- Remember, if you do not pick your videos, google will make some for you - we do not want that"

Google performance max campaigns are pretty popular right now and if your thinking about using them in ad account, there are a few tips on proper set up that can position you for success.

Because of how pmax works, one of the most important aspects if your campaign is how you set up your asset groups, and the creative assets you choose to use.

What are asset groups?

Asset groups are a group of signals, creative, and copy you put together in order to target a segment of your audience. When putting together these asset groups its important to ensure that your creative and your copy work together to deliver the correct message consistently, while adding value to your prospects lives.

Have a question? email me at jasonharlton@gmail.com

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